If someday you find yourself wandering the jungles of India or Southeast Asia keep your ears open because you may actually hear a tiger before you see it. FUNFACT #1: A tiger’s roar can be heard as far as two miles away.
A refreshing dip by a tropical waterfall on your jungle stroll may seem like good idea, but be mindful that unlike most cats, tigers love water. FUNFACT #2: Tigers are excellent swimmers and are never far from jungle streams and pools.
Chack out the cool tiger stuff available from flopsock designs, and visit Panthera.org and help save
the tigers.

Add a tropical touch to your room with a Tiger Pillow. Also available for plates, placemats, and mugs.
Get the Tiger iPhone Case and make a call of the wild. Also available for iPad, iTouch, Blackberry, Samsung Galaxy, and skin decals for a variety of mobile devices.
Add some jungle flair to your office with this Tiger Notebook. Also available: stickers, magnets, mouse pads, water bottles and tote bags.
Thanks for visiting and don't forget to go to Panthera.org and help save the tigers.
Thanks for visiting and don't forget to go to Panthera.org and help save the tigers.
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